The Train of the Fifth Era
A Quest for a More Spiritual Life
With an Introduction by Dale E. Truax, former Vice President-International of the Blanchard learning organization, and a select bibliography for further reading.
Published November, 1999, 224 pages
ISBN: Hardcover: 0738806404, Paperback: 0738806412
With humankind anxiously standing on the threshold of a new millennium, the quest is for the path to a more soulful life. This book narrates an adventure from California and New Mexico to Bangkok in pursuit of the elusive spiritual secret to life.
A California seascape graces the cover
The Train of the Fifth Era
is dedicated in loving memory
Commander James W. Sands, USN
Naval officer, world scout leader, true friend
| |
The Executive Guru
Alternative Paths to Performance Improvement
With an index and a select bibliography for further reading
Published September, 1998, Revised January, 2000, 128 pages
ISBN: Hardcover: 0738801259, Paperback: 0738801267
Can non-traditional approaches like neuro-linguistics, the timeline and Huna help improve job performance and enjoyment of life? A baffled manager runs into an executive guru who answers this and other questions related to spirituality in the workplace.
The Executive Guru
is dedicated in loving memory
Edward L. Waggoner
Diplomat, top executive, religious leader, true friend
| |
The Synolic Manager
Getting It All Together
Co-authored with Prof. Alan M. Barratt of London, with a self-help exercise, an index and a select bibliography for further reading.
Published March, 1999, 120 pages
ISBN: Hardcover: 0738803030, Paperback: 0738803049
Based on business experience and extensive research, this is a guide for dealing with intangible developmental factors such as beliefs and self-image, and conventional factors such as abilities, motivation and role perception.
Irene with Alan in Greece |
The Synolic Manager
is dedicated with love to
the authors' wives
Irene and Lily
Lily with Patrick in California |
Another Planet?
Or Future Earth
Based on a true story
With a passage from Hesiod by way of a Foreword and a select bibliography for further reading.
Published July 1999, 164 pages
ISBN: Hardcover: 0738802832, Paperback: 0738802840
Anthony demonstrating prayer practices on the
"other planet" he claimed to have visited.
(cover photo)
Every night for two years the author's godfather Anthony visited another dimension in an active dream state. He claimed it was "another planet," but research suggests a future Earth. Based on actual events with a Foreword by Hesiod (8th - 7th century B. C.).
Another Planet?
is dedicated in loving memory
Anthony G. Karystinos
Eleni T. Walsh
| |
Smarter than Snakes
A Woman's Diary
With an index and a select bibliography for further reading.
Published July 2004, 586 pages
ISBN: Hardcover: 1413428576, Paperback: 1413428568
A woman's accusation and a man's apology tell the story of their quest for a more spiritual life that turns into a nightmare as they stumble upon a quagmire of covert operations and political corruption under the guise of democracy and freedom.
A watercolor by talented American artist Michelle Seaters entitled “Python: The Tutelary Daimon of Prehistoric Pytho” graces the cover. Pytho was the name of the obscure settlement that grew into the world famous town and oracle of Delphi, the so-called navel of the earth.
So Long America: Lamenting a Dream
This is a condensed, paperback only, version of the book Smarter than Snakes. It omits non-psychoanalytic approaches to changing beliefs and habits and focuses on sociopolitical issues.
Published October 2005, 244 pages
ISBN: 1599262940 (Paperback edition only)
Bitter Oranges Not Knowing Where and How to Look
With a select bibliography for further reading.
Published July 2009, 194 pages ISBN: 9781441545763 (Paperback edition only) A man’s quest for a more spiritual life leads to wild goose chases and the assassination of the woman he loves by secret agents of a shadow government operating under the façade of democracy.
A photo of bitter looking oranges in a Persian bazaar by acclaimed Australian photographer and globe trotter Megan Grant graces the cover.
NOTE: This book contains strong intellectual material that may be disturbing to some religious believers. Reader discretion is advised.
Reconstructed with Liberal Doses of Poetic License
Euripides Alope was printed as a private edition in the United States of America in March 2006 (36 pages). On the basis of scant references in Greek and Roman texts, the author used his wild imagination, augmented by liberal doses of poetic license, to reconstruct Euripides’s lost tragedy Alope.
Patrick's books (with the exception of Euripides Alope, a private edition) are available, both in deluxe cloth-bound hardback form with a full-color, laminated paper dust jacket and also as quality paperbacks, through the publisher:
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